Book reviews

"Footnotes" (Peter Fiennes, 2019)

I read this when I was unwell and in bed, and it provided such beautiful escapism. I'd read a paragraph, or a few pages, or a chapter (depending on how much energy I had!) and then fall in the deepest of slumbers. Amazing!

Interesting stories, intriguing characters---I did not know all the writers and 'personalities' mentioned in the book, but I did enjoy hearing about them.

Funnily enough, shortly after I finished reading the book I started finding mentions to these people in plenty of places. It was probably happening before, but I had not realised who the people were, and I was probably not paying attention either.

I also liked the little maps and inserts in the book. It felt a bit Tolkienesque lite.

If you like short stories and/or maps, you'll like this book.